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[mgp-users 00714] Re: %include directive


 I think I can try to clear your confusion :)

On Sat, Sep 08, 2001, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
> i don't get your point at all, and i guess you don't understand
> what my problem statement was.  the interpretation of %insert
> is highly confusing if you think about %font directive and other
> directives that has effects across multiple lines.  renaming %include
> into %insert does not change the situation at all.

 As far as I understood it he wants to insert parts of a presentation
(say, some pages).  They would make up their own pages, and would not
interfere with the current (or last displayed) page.  To start to insert
another file right in the middle of a presentation doesn't make much
sense, of course - and I guess that's what you think he wants.

 So, it's not about including somewhere in the middle of a page but have
some pages in the one file and others in another.  Like e.g. people
usually have a "that's all, folks!" page at the end with contact
informations and so on.  That would be great to have it as include.

 I hope I made it quite clear :)
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