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[mgp-users 00715] Re: %include directive

On Fri, Sep 07, 2001, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> 	When I want to do that, I just do:
> mgp a.mgp && mgp b.mgp && mgp c.mgp
> 	That way, when I reach the end of a, I hit q to quit and then
> b starts up.

 Yes, but that way you lose the posibility at all to jump through the
pages in the different chapters.  Although it's a quick and dirty
workaround it doesn't offer lots of features.  You will notice also a
delay when you q, and maybe a flickering on the screen (haven't tried,
but I guess there must be something).

 So, I think we all know now what is wanted, and truly appreciated on my

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