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[mgp-users 00720] Re: %include directive

I think there is a very simple-to-implement middle ground in this %include
situation. If we add the command-line switch "-i" to mean "preprocess
includes", and have that switch cause mgp to produce a tempfile with the
included files expanded cause mgp to run against that tempfile, then we have
the best of all worlds-- the mgp core code does not change, you could still
jump forward and backward in the presentation, there is no additional setup
delay with the default options (i.e., no '-i'), and yet we have the ability to
use %include whenever it would be useful (e.g., contact information).

(Before anyone says, "Great! Why don't you code it?", let me note that my C has
gotten a bit rusty :-).

Chris Tyler
Consultant, Global Proximity Corporation    <Chris@Global.Proximity.on.ca>
	phone (519) 788-3439 / fax (519) 788-8653
Computer Science Professor, Seneca College  <Chris.Tyler@SenecaC.on.ca>
	Room 3026 Seneca@York campus / phone (416) 491-5050 x3315