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[mgp-users 00710] Re: %include directive

>i understand completely.
>i'm probably not communicating clearly so let me try again:
>i'd really like the ability to include mgp presentations within other
>presentations. it doesn't matter what we call the _new_ directive, so i'll
>make one up. let's call it %insert. an example will help.
>assume we have 3 small presentations called ip.mgp, tcp.mgp, snmp.mgp and
>we want to give one big presentation call tcpip.mgp.
>the tcpip.mgp would look something like:

	i don't get your point at all, and i guess you don't understand
	what my problem statement was.  the interpretation of %insert
	is highly confusing if you think about %font directive and other
	directives that has effects across multiple lines.  renaming %include
	into %insert does not change the situation at all.
