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(mgp-users 00588) Re: side-by-side positioning

On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:23:49PM +0900, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
> From: Christopher Drexler <drexler@informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
> Subject: (mgp-users 00579) Re: side-by-side positioning
> Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 15:22:53 +0900
> Message-ID: <>
> >> What I'm thinking of right now is to go one step further and to define some
> >> 'columns' which act as an improved 'mark' and keep a 'column width' and
> >> the text alignment in addition. You can switch between the defined columns
> >> and the linewidth and alignements are restored an new text is added at the
> >> postion where you left the column. 
> >> 
> >> Please let me know what you think about something like this.
> Hmm.. I hesitate to tell about functions that I haven't tried to 
> implment yet... 
> I believe that main advantage of current syntax is that it preserves
> WYSWYG style to some extent. So I prefer like this,
> -----------
> %xoffset 10 5 20 5 30
> %noxoffset
> ------------
> this syntax will be displayed like this:
> ----------------------------
>    10%   5%       20% width     5%           30% width         
> <------>AAA <----------------->BBB <--------------------------->CCC
>         AAA                    BBB                              CCC
> ----------------------------

The pro's and con's of this approach depend on the goal one wants to reach.
If you want to set text side by side like a table, the above mentioned
approach is very convenient. Actually I'm using TeX for doing exactly this
within mgp. 

It is a different problem if you want to place several "objects", not
necesserily text, at specific places and not in sequential order.
For this task it is very hard to keep the structure within the ascii file 
so I thought it might be clearer if one can define "frames" (columns in the
sence of areas, where arbitrary objects may be placed, not only text.
similar to "FrameMaker" :-) and switch forth and back. 

In the long run I think of having a 'schedule description', where you can
control at which time which object appears on which part of the screen.
This description schould still be in a readable ascii format as this is the
main advantage of mgp in my opinion. But maybe it might be possible to have
a graphical frontend which helps in placing objects and generating parts of
the description file. 

These are just ideas and nothing is actually done but maybe someone has also
ideas on this topics.


Dipl.-Inf. Christopher Drexler, Lehrst.f. Mustererkennung _    __  __ ___ 
Institut f. Informatik, Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg  | |  |  \/  | __|
WWW : http://www5.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~drexler  	 | |__| |\/| | _| 
GPG : http://www.keyserver.net                           |____|_|  |_|___|

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