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(mgp-users 00268) Re: Getting started: fonts

>>>>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 01:13:07 +0900, Rich Shepard <rshepard@appl-ecosys.com> said:
 >>   Reading default.mgp, I see a reference to README.fonts, but I don't seem
 >> to have that on my system. I'm running on a RH 6.1 system with a bunch of
 >> postscript, Type 1 fonts. Where do I read how to declare these ps fonts as
 >> the defaults rather than `vfonts' or TrueType fonts?

How about this?

%mgp -x vflib -x freetype foo.mgp

or removing all vfont or tfont directives from your default.mgp may
give you a solution. 
Yoshifumi Nishida