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(mgp-users 00269) Re: simultaneous left+right alignment

--- nishida@wide.ad.jp wrote:
> >>>>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:52:46 +0900, Carlos Puchol <cpg@rocketmail.com>
> said:
>  >> -----------------------------------
>  >> |                                 |
>  >> |Logo1                       Logo2|
>  >> |                                 |
>  >> ...
>  >> |                                 |
>  >> -----------------------------------
>  >> how would i do it? i have tried several combinations, like
> Hmm, how about this??
> %left, image "logo1.png", mark
> %again, right, image "logo2.png"

aha! it works
the extra line after the mark is crucial, i had not tried that.

this should go to an FAQ/HOWTO.

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