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(mgp-users 00267) Re: simultaneous left+right alignment

>>>>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:52:46 +0900, Carlos Puchol <cpg@rocketmail.com> said:

 >> -----------------------------------
 >> |                                 |
 >> |Logo1                       Logo2|
 >> |                                 |
 >> ...
 >> |                                 |
 >> -----------------------------------

 >> how would i do it? i have tried several combinations, like

Hmm, how about this??

%left, image "logo1.png", mark

%again, right, image "logo2.png"

using this way, you don't need to put extra spaces.
but unfortunately, current version of mgp2ps can't handle "cont"
directive correctly.. I'd like to fix this by the next release..
Yoshifumi Nishida