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(mgp-users 00236) Re: Wish List

From: Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <itojun@itojun.org>
Subject: (mgp-users 00233) Re: Wish List 
Message-ID: <>
>	I guess you will have EXPANDED font image into PostScript file.
>	Am I wrong here?

I think not.

For example:

Convert TrueType font to Type42 font:
% ttfps aladdin.ttf aladdin.pfa

% ls -l aladdin.pfa aladdin.ttf
-rw-r--r--  1 p-katoh  user  108592 Nov 24 18:26 aladdin.pfa
-r--r--r--  1 p-katoh  user   51452 Nov 24 18:34 aladdin.ttf

Concat Type42 font and PostScript file (see below):
% cat aladdin.pfa test.ps > ttftest.ps

% gv ttftest.ps
% lpr ttftest.ps

---------- test.ps ----------

100 100 moveto

/Aladdin findfont 100 scalefont setfont
(ABC123) show


I'm not sure the size of aladdin.pfa is small or not, though ;-)

- "aladdin.ttf" is part of DynaFont by DYNALAB.
- "ttfps" is available from http://starship.python.net/crew/da/fonts/.
- See also my article
  | Subject: (mgp-users 00134) Re: Fonts pb with mgp2ps 
  | Message-Id: <>

Takashi P.KATOH