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(mgp-users 00240) Re: Wish List

>>>>> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:50:23 +0900, "Takashi P.KATOH" <p-katoh@shiratori.riec.tohoku.ac.jp> said:

 >> - "ttfps" is available from http://starship.python.net/crew/da/fonts/.
 >> - See also my article
 >>   | Subject: (mgp-users 00134) Re: Fonts pb with mgp2ps 
 >>   | Message-Id: <>

Ok, ttfps is great. 
I added the experimental code for ttfps to today's current snap.
By specifying -t option, mgp2ps uses the same truetype font as mgp uses.

if you are interested, please try following steps.

1: ttfp2 foo.ttf foo.pfa
2: mgp2ps -t bar.mgp > bar.ps 
3: cat foo.pfa bar.ps > target.ps

Yoshifumi Nishida