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(mgp-users 00021) Re: magicpoint 1.04a is released

> >  * a Windows port i am afraid...
> 	I personally do not want to use my time for windoze :-P

nor do i, but 90% of the world uses it, and if -- as a developer -- you
can point out in some readme file which areas are heavily
x11-dependent, then someone might afford a port.  mgp seems to be very
self-contained for the parsing of images etc. and the OS/GUI
dependencies might be quite small for what i see.

> 	magicpoint->powerpoint converter would be a good alterntive for this...
> 	(of course, ppt->mgp converter would be nice too)

seems a lot harder... you would hit the problem of i) non-publicly-available
file format (ppt) and ii) possibly different features which make
the conversion hard.

if it is so hard i'd rather run netscape to show the mgp-produced
