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(mgp-users 00019) Re: magicpoint 1.04a is released

>  * performance: i have the feeling that rendering is a bit slower
>    than it could be -- even with "simple" image formats.
>    Given the way it is used, perhaps it could help to have some
>    background processing so that while mgp is waiting for user input,
>    it also starts constructing the next slide so it could display it
>    faster. This seems kind of doable without terribly complicating
>    things, or am i mistaken ?

	Yes, we are thinking about "background rendering for the next page",
	but it really complicates bunch of things...  It is of course in
	the TODO list, but this is a big one.

>  * a Windows port i am afraid...

	I personally do not want to use my time for windoze :-P
	magicpoint->powerpoint converter would be a good alterntive for this...
	(of course, ppt->mgp converter would be nice too)
