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(mgp-users 00018) Re: magicpoint 1.04a is released


From: Luigi Rizzo <luigi@labinfo.iet.unipi.it>
Subject: (mgp-users 00017) Re: magicpoint 1.04a is released
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 16:28:33 +0900

>   * performance: i have the feeling that rendering is a bit slower
>     than it could be -- even with "simple" image formats.
>     Given the way it is used, perhaps it could help to have some
>     background processing so that while mgp is waiting for user input,
>     it also starts constructing the next slide so it could display it
>     faster. This seems kind of doable without terribly complicating
>     things, or am i mistaken ?

Forwarding-page-cache is repeatedly discussed among implementors. If
users really want, we will implement it.
