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(mgp-users 00017) Re: magicpoint 1.04a is released

a few questions if you don't mind...

There are two obstacles that i see in spreading the use of mgp:

  * performance: i have the feeling that rendering is a bit slower
    than it could be -- even with "simple" image formats.
    Given the way it is used, perhaps it could help to have some
    background processing so that while mgp is waiting for user input,
    it also starts constructing the next slide so it could display it
    faster. This seems kind of doable without terribly complicating
    things, or am i mistaken ?

  * a Windows port i am afraid...

On the latter i am not totally clear on what mgp really uses of X -- it
seems that for images mgp requires little more than being able to
display a pixmap. Font rendering might be slightly harder but if you
are already supporting TrueType fonts then ... 
Any suggestion on the latter ?
