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[mgp-users 01437] CVS error: /cvsmgp no such repository

Dear user-group,

This is my first post, so please excuse the rambling, which is
intended as an introduction :-) I am not a programmer, though I would
like to be, and am grateful to all the clever people who are able to
contribute code to such a project as mgp. I hope that by testing and
giving feedback, I too can help in some small way.

I have used mgp (now version 1.11b) sort of successfully for about 6
months both on my Debian GNU/linux desktop (kernel 2.4.27-2-686) and
Dell Inspiron 1100 notebook (same version of Debian initially, but
gradually migrated to the 2.6 kernel). Recently, I determined to
understand fonts better (particularly Japanese fonts, for the purposes
of using ghostscript more effectively in converting between dvi, ps,
and pdf), and spent several weeks on that often unpleasantly confusing
but ultimately extremely illuminating journey.

For some reason, mgp had stopped to work (segmentation fault) on the
notebook 2 or so months ago (this was under xfree86, but this week I
upgraded the notebook successfully to X.org under Debian unstable,
using kernel 2.6.12-1-686), and after several days of searching for
clues, reinstalling libraries, and using dbg, I finally found out that
running mgp with "-x m17n" solves the problem.

However, I want to state here that my desktop also is running Debian,
but does not have a m17n issue! Below is the list of m17n packages I
have installed, and which do not interfere with the execution of mgp
(I have not checked whether I can make use of the facilities of these

hase:/home/gernot# dpkg -l *m17n*
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name              Version           Description
ii  libm17n-0         1.2.0-4           a multilingual text processing library - runtime
ii  m17n-db           1.2.0-1           a multilingual text processing library - database
ii  m17n-docs         1.2.0-2           a multilingual text processing library - documents
ii  m17n-env          0.0.3-7           set up multilingual X environment
rc  mlterm-im-m17nlib 2.9.2-2           MultiLingual TERMinal, m17nlib input method plugin
pn  scim-m17n         <none>            (no description available)


To explore further what possibilities there are in mgp, I would like
to download the CVS code, and tried the advertised method:

cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp login

Unfortunately, I keep getting the error message that the repository
does not exist. Since nobody is writing about this, I assume that I am
doing something silly, but cannot figure out what it is! Here is a
sample output from my attempt:

hase:/home/gernot# cvs -t -t -t  -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp login
  -> walklist ( list=0x80d2620, proc=0x8073560, closure=(nil) )
  -> parse_cvsroot ( :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp )
  -> main loop with CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:2401/cvsmgp
CVS password: 
  -> Connecting to anoncvs.mew.org(
/cvsmgp: no such repository


Hmmm... Can anybody explain what I need to do in order to succeed in
access? I tried telnet and ftp into anoncvs.mew.org but,
unsurprisingly, was refused. Using /cvsmew to access the mew mail
program CVS has worked though, so I am confused.

Many thanks, mgp is a truly most useful package.

Gernot Hassenpflug
Kyoto University