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[mgp-users 01439] Re: CVS error: /cvsmgp no such repository

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Yoshifumi Nishida

From: gernot@mb3.seikyou.ne.jp, mgp-users-subscribe@mew.org
Subject: [mgp-users 01437] CVS error: /cvsmgp no such repository
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 00:35:31 +0900
Message-ID: <>

 > Dear user-group,
 > This is my first post, so please excuse the rambling, which is
 > intended as an introduction :-) I am not a programmer, though I would
 > like to be, and am grateful to all the clever people who are able to
 > contribute code to such a project as mgp. I hope that by testing and
 > giving feedback, I too can help in some small way.
 > I have used mgp (now version 1.11b) sort of successfully for about 6
 > months both on my Debian GNU/linux desktop (kernel 2.4.27-2-686) and
 > Dell Inspiron 1100 notebook (same version of Debian initially, but
 > gradually migrated to the 2.6 kernel). Recently, I determined to
 > understand fonts better (particularly Japanese fonts, for the purposes
 > of using ghostscript more effectively in converting between dvi, ps,
 > and pdf), and spent several weeks on that often unpleasantly confusing
 > but ultimately extremely illuminating journey.
 > For some reason, mgp had stopped to work (segmentation fault) on the
 > notebook 2 or so months ago (this was under xfree86, but this week I
 > upgraded the notebook successfully to X.org under Debian unstable,
 > using kernel 2.6.12-1-686), and after several days of searching for
 > clues, reinstalling libraries, and using dbg, I finally found out that
 > running mgp with "-x m17n" solves the problem.
 > However, I want to state here that my desktop also is running Debian,
 > but does not have a m17n issue! Below is the list of m17n packages I
 > have installed, and which do not interfere with the execution of mgp
 > (I have not checked whether I can make use of the facilities of these
 > libraries):
 > hase:/home/gernot# dpkg -l *m17n*
 > Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
 > | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
 > |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
 > ||/ Name              Version           Description
 > +++-=================-=================-==================================================
 > ii  libm17n-0         1.2.0-4           a multilingual text processing library - runtime
 > ii  m17n-db           1.2.0-1           a multilingual text processing library - database
 > ii  m17n-docs         1.2.0-2           a multilingual text processing library - documents
 > ii  m17n-env          0.0.3-7           set up multilingual X environment
 > rc  mlterm-im-m17nlib 2.9.2-2           MultiLingual TERMinal, m17nlib input method plugin
 > pn  scim-m17n         <none>            (no description available)
 > hase:/home/gernot#
 > To explore further what possibilities there are in mgp, I would like
 > to download the CVS code, and tried the advertised method:
 > cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp login
 > Unfortunately, I keep getting the error message that the repository
 > does not exist. Since nobody is writing about this, I assume that I am
 > doing something silly, but cannot figure out what it is! Here is a
 > sample output from my attempt:
 > hase:/home/gernot# cvs -t -t -t  -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp login
 >   -> walklist ( list=0x80d2620, proc=0x8073560, closure=(nil) )
 >   -> parse_cvsroot ( :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp )
 >   -> main loop with CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:/cvsmgp
 > Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.mew.org:2401/cvsmgp
 > CVS password: 
 >   -> Connecting to anoncvs.mew.org(
 > /cvsmgp: no such repository
 > hase:/home/gernot#
 > Hmmm... Can anybody explain what I need to do in order to succeed in
 > access? I tried telnet and ftp into anoncvs.mew.org but,
 > unsurprisingly, was refused. Using /cvsmew to access the mew mail
 > program CVS has worked though, so I am confused.
 > Many thanks, mgp is a truly most useful package.
 > Gernot Hassenpflug
 > Kyoto University