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[mgp-users 01357] Re: X11 Display and font issues on Mac OSX

From: Lynn Kerby <lfk@kerbit.net>
Subject: [mgp-users 01356] X11 Display and font issues on Mac OSX
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 17:44:38 -0800
Message-ID: <>

 > I've looked at the archives of this list and still don't really understand
 > the current state of affairs regarding fonts.  I've got pretty much every
 > font configuration tool installed on my machine, but I can't seem to get
 > MagicPoint to find/use everything.  The tfont & tmfont directive warnings
 > are a bit annoying, and I don't see why they are not supported.

I think OS X Xserver supports Xft, so you don't need to use the tfont, tmfont directive.
All you need to use is the xfont directive under Xft environment.

Yoshifumi Nishida