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[mgp-users 01356] X11 Display and font issues on Mac OSX

I've been using MagicPoint for many years on PC hardware to display lyrics
for songs in small group settings.  With the PCs I've used in the past only
a single display was supported, so things just worked when I plugged in an
S-VHS cable and presented on my television.  Now I've got myself a very cool
Mac PowerBook-G4 and have been moving things so I can present on that machine.

The Mac's X server appears to support Xinerama extensions and things like
iMovie and DVD player can use the other display quite easily.  I really
hate having to change my screen resolution to something that works on the
TV (esp. now that the Mac is a wide-screen).  I was hopeful that MagicPoint
would work well in this environment when I saw the latest release notes,
but the support was still lacking.  Sooooo....

I have hacked in basic support for Xinerama screens into Magicpoint 1.11b.
It does exactly what I expected, and other than a minor issue with the
mouse pointer being left on the TV sometimes it works very well.  If there
is any interest I can post my changes (mostly isolated to x11.c).

I've looked at the archives of this list and still don't really understand
the current state of affairs regarding fonts.  I've got pretty much every
font configuration tool installed on my machine, but I can't seem to get
MagicPoint to find/use everything.  The tfont & tmfont directive warnings
are a bit annoying, and I don't see why they are not supported.
Lynn Kerby <mailto:lfk@kerbit.net>