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[mgp-users 01225] Re: Rendering bugs in 1.10a

I found some bugs related to the tab and default things.
There should not be mixed results. I will fix it so that %tab can override 
%default correctly.
But I prefer to avoid using %tab and %default to the same lines, since it 
makes your presentation scripts complicate.
For intra-line space, I'd like to recommend you to use the empty line 
rather than use %vgap.
Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Tim Maher <tim@consultix-inc.com>
Subject: [mgp-users 01224] Re: Rendering bugs in 1.10a
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 17:19:47 -0700
Message-ID: <>

 > In the meantime, I'd have to say that I think it's undesirable
 > and very confusing to have *both* %tab and %default processing
 > applied to the *same line* of text, which is what I see
 > happening in 1.10a.
 > This leads to mixed results, such as a line that's rendered in
 > the font, size, and vgap dictated by "%default 5", but with text
 > colored according to "%tab 1", along with a bullet symbol! (Which
 > is the effect shown on the right side of
 > http://teachmeperl.com/advice.jpg.)
 > I don't think this behavior is desirable, especially because it's
 > different from 1.09, and as far as I can tell it's not documented
 > that some presentations composed for earlier versions will need
 > to be reworked to display the same way in 1.10a.
 > The "Bullet-Item %vgap" Problem
 > -----------------------------------
 > I'm glad to report that I've figured out the problem related to
 > %vgap spacing of bullet items.
 > In 1.09a my practice of starting every page with a standard %vgap
 > setting doesn't affect bullet items, but in 1.10a, that %vgap
 > setting is *used* for the next bullet item, and non-bullet text
 > leading up to the following one, which creates the discrepancy
 > shown in http://teachmeperl.com/spugstats.jpg.
 > Personally, I like having some control over the intra-line
 > spacing for wrapped-around bullet items, which this behavior in
 > 1.10a permits, but at the expense of losing the much desired vgap
 > after the bullet item, which is unfortunate.
 > For example, here are the two formats for bullet items we've
 > currently got, and a third I think we should have as an option,
 > implemented using half the bullet-item's vgap setting for
 > intra-line spacing.
 > Form 1 (as in 1.09a)
 > ------------------------------------------
 > * line one of 1st bullet item
 >   now wrapped around to next physical line
 > * line one of 2nd bullet item
 >   now wrapped around to next physical line
 > ------------------------------------------
 > Form 2 (1.10a, using manual %vgap before *each*)
 > ------------------------------------------
 > * line one of 1st bullet item now wrapped around to next
 >   physical line
 > * line one of 2nd bullet item now wrapped around to next
 >   physical line
 > ------------------------------------------
 > Form 3 (non-existent, but desired; 1.10b maybe?)
 > ------------------------------------------
 > * line one of 1st bullet item now wrapped around to next
 >   physical line
 > * line one of 2nd bullet item now wrapped around to next
 >   physical line
 > ------------------------------------------
 > Here's an annotated version of the *.mgp file that illustrates
 > the behavior of 1.10a with regard to %vgap calls before a bullet
 > item, along with a simplified *.mgprc file that can be used with
 > it for testing (apart from non-existent fonts).
 > vgap_bug.mgp:
 > %include "test.mgprc"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > # To view the different renderings of this file by 1.09a and
 > # 1.10a viewers, see teachmeperl.com/spugstats.jpg
 > %page
 > %center
 > %fore "white"
 > (C) 2003, Tim Maher                   0-1                   www.TeachMePerl.com
 > SPUG Stats
 > Guru Patronage
 > %leftfill
 > # My vgap-setting for "tab 1" is "%vgap 75", but in 1.10 (not 1.09) that
 > # is being overwritten by an explicit setting on a prior line,
 > # such as the one below, for the next bullet item only
 > %vgap 20
 > 	SPUG has been a Guru magnet; past speakers include 
 > %cont
 > (by some definitions of "speaker"):
 > 		Damian, Dan, Dominus, Gisle, Larry, Nat, Randal,
 > #
 > # In contrast, these next two identical bullets will be rendered as in 1.09a,
 > # so long as the %vgap remains commented-out
 > #
 > # %vgap 20
 > 	SPUG has been a Guru magnet; past speakers include 
 > %cont
 > (by some definitions of "speaker"):
 > 		Damian, Dan, Dominus, Gisle, Larry, Nat, Randal,
 > test.mgprc:
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% This default.mgp is "TrueType fonts" oriented.
 > %% First, you should create "~/.mgprc" whose contents are:
 > %%	tfdir "/path/to/truetype/fonts"
 > %%
 > %% To visualize English, install "standard.ttf", "thick.ttf", and 
 > %% "typewriter.ttf" into the "tfdir" directory above:
 > %%	ftp://ftp.mew.org/pub/mgp/ttf-us.tar.gz
 > %%
 > %% To visualize Japanese, install "kochi-mincho.ttf" and "goth.ttf"
 > %% into the "tfdir" directory above:
 > %%	ftp://ftp.mew.org/pub/mgp/ttf-jp.tar.gz
 > %%
 > %deffont "default"   tfont "dixon.ttf"
 > %deffont "bold"   tfont "dixon1.ttf"
 > %deffont "italic"   tfont "dixon2.ttf"
 > %deffont "bolditalic"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "bi"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "italicb"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "ib"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "wide"   tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %deffont "wideb"   tfont "dixon_w1.ttf"
 > %deffont "exp"   tfont "dixon_ex.ttf"
 > %deffont "expb"   tfont "dixon_e1.ttf"
 > %deffont "thin"   tfont "dixon_th.ttf"
 > %deffont "standard"   tfont "standard.ttf"
 > %deffont "thick"      tfont "thick.ttf"
 > %deffont "typewriter" tfont "typewriter.ttf"
 > %deffont "tty" tfont "Wqtm_p_t.ttf"
 > %deffont "c" tfont "cour.ttf"
 > %deffont "courier" tfont "cour.ttf"
 > %deffont "courierb" tfont "courbd.ttf"
 > %deffont "cb" tfont "courbd.ttf"
 > %deffont "ci" tfont "couri.ttf"
 > %deffont "courieri" tfont "couri.ttf"
 > %deffont "cbi" tfont "courbi.ttf"
 > %deffont "courierbi" tfont "courbi.ttf"
 > %deffont "title" tfont "arial.ttf"
 > %deffont "titleb" tfont "olvr75w.ttf"
 > %deffont "titleb2" tfont "ariblk.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull1" tfont "verdanab.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull2" tfont "verdana.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull3" tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull4" tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %deffont "title2" tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default settings per each line numbers.
 > %%
 > %default 1 area 90 90, leftfill, size 1, fore "gray", back "black", font "italic"
 > %default 2 size 4, vgap 0, prefix " ", font "default", vgap 0
 > %default 3 size 7, vgap 100, bar "gray70", vgap 10, fore "green", font "thick"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default settings that are applied to TAB-indented lines.
 > %%
 > %tab 1 size 5,  fore "white", vgap 75, prefix		"  ", icon arc "yellow" 55, tfont "standard"
 > %tab 2 fore "pink", size 4.8, vgap 75, prefix		"     ", icon delta3 "green" 50, tfont "thick"
 > -Tim
 > *------------------------------------------------------------*
 > | Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
 > | CEO, JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award Recipient")   |
 > | tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
 > *+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-*
 > |  Watch for my Book: "Minimal Perl for Shell Programmers"   |
 > *------------------------------------------------------------*