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[mgp-users 01208] Re: How change title-bar for MGP Window?

On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 10:24:34AM -0400, Sam Steingold wrote:
> > * In message <>
> > * On the subject of "[mgp-users 01203] Re: How change title-bar for MGP Window?"
> > * Sent on Sat, 14 Jun 2003 17:16:04 -0700
> > * Honorable Tim Maher <tim@consultix-inc.com> writes:
> >
> > But to facilitate everyday use by sane people 8-], I suggest
> > we change the title bar to automatically say 
> > 	filename: MagicPoint
> `man xterm` should give you a set of standard X command line options,
> like -geometry, -name, -title &c &c &c.
> shouldn't they all be supported by a well-behaved X application?

Shoulda-woulda-couldas aside, Magicpoint doesn't support that option.

Is there a way to launch mgp within an other window, that would show
a title?  Aw heck, I'll just patch the source . . .

> -- 
> Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds) running RedHat9 GNU/Linux
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> Trespassers will be shot.  Survivors will be prosecuted.


| Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
| CEO, JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award Recipient")   |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
|  Watch for my Book: "Minimal Perl for Shell Programmers"   |