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[mgp-users 01204] Magicpoint Wiki ?

I suggest we create a Magicpoint "wiki", so in addition to
sifting through piles of mail messages to see what's been
debugged or suggested 8-}, we can all benefit from another kind
of community-created resource that helps us communicate with
each other in a different way.

There could be pages where people describe the kinds of
presentations they do, their favorite features, bugs they've
found, improvements they'd like, patches they've submitted,
target dates for releases, links to sample MGP-presentations
online, etc.  (I know some of this stuff is on the official
MGP web site, but this would be a community managed site.)

It's never been easier to set up a Wiki until now, because my
friend Brian Ingerson has created wiki software that's easier
than anything that ever existed before.  See www.kwiki.org for
info, and to download the Perl module.  See yapc.kwiki.org if
you're unsure of what a wiki is, and how people can collectively
contribute to a set of web pages that evolve on their own.

| Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
| CEO, JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award Recipient")   |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
|  Watch for my Book: "Minimal Perl for Shell Programmers"   |