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[mgp-users 01203] Re: How change title-bar for MGP Window?

On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 04:54:54PM -0700, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> From: Tim Maher <tim@consultix-inc.com>
> Subject: [mgp-users 01201] How change title-bar for MGP Window?
> Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 13:11:45 -0700
> Message-ID: <>
>  > I want several tiny MagicPoint windows on my X11 screen, with
>  > each having a distinct name that I specify in its title-bar.
>  > That will let me choose which one to expand and display by
>  > its name.  Can somebody tell me how to get those title-bars
>  > customized?  Right now, they *all* say "MagicPoint"!
> You need to change the argument for XStoreName(). It's in x11.c.

Thanks!  I appreciate knowing a quick workaround to get my
problem solved, by compiling 8 different versions of the
executable, which suits me fine at the moment. 

But to facilitate everyday use by sane people 8-], I suggest
we change the title bar to automatically say 
	filename: MagicPoint
with the first part of filename.mgp becoming part of
the TitleBar, as well as the leading text on the minimized icon
(so "MagicPoint" will be the part that gets truncated, if anything).

FWIW, I'd also like to have an option to have the window start
up as an icon.

> Regards,
> --
> Yoshifumi Nishida
> nishida@csl.sony.co.jp


| Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
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