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[mgp-users 00894] bugs in 1.09a?

I have been noticing a few glitches since switching to 1.09a.

1.  Jotting.  Changing the color with X causes the mouse pen to change
color, but the color that is drawn is not the same as the color of the
mouse pen.  Press x. The mouse pen is green, the drawing color is red.
Press X, the mouse pen is violet and the drawing color is green.
There seems to be an off-by-one error some where.

2. Rendering of EPS files.  The background color is now replaced to
be transparent.  I do not like that change, and wonder if there is
an option to turn transparency off.

3. Rendering of TrueType fonts.  Sometimes the swirly arc under the 
letter 'g' or similar letters gets cut off.  I have no idea why.

Are these issues known?
