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[mgp-users 00881] Re: freetype 2 and installation of mgp 1.09

Sorry. Freetype2 is not supported in current mgp.
It's on my todo list. 
Yoshifumi Nishida

From: "Claire CALMET" <ccalmet@wanadoo.fr>
Subject: [mgp-users 00879] freetype 2 and installation of mgp 1.09
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 17:10:15 +0200
Message-ID: <>

ccalmet> Fed up with Powerpoint's big files and non-portability, I'm trying to install magicpoint on linux Redhat 7
ccalmet> I first installed freetype-2.1.0, and no libttf.a was created, but libfreetype.a (instead I suppose. BTW, it
ccalmet> is at 2 different locations !?!).
ccalmet> ./configure in the magicpoint directory tells me it doesn't find the file libfreetype.a, (of course after 
ccalmet> replacement of all occurrences of libttf.a into libfreetype.a in the configure file).
ccalmet> What can the reason for this problem be ? (path problem, problem with the fact that two different
ccalmet> .a files coexist, use of freetype2, or anything else ?)
ccalmet> I'm not used to installing anything but RPMs, so answers
ccalmet> should be for dummies !
ccalmet> All the best
ccalmet> Claire Calmet
ccalmet> Claire Calmet
ccalmet> National Museum of Natural History
ccalmet> PS: are there other biologists there in the list ?