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[mgp-users 00745] ANN: mgppp - a preprocessor for MagicPoint files with LaTeX support


I am pleased to announce 

 mgppp  - a preprocessor for MagicPoint files

that I wrote to simplify the usage of LaTeX text and formula in
MagicPoint presentation files. mgppp is written in Python
(www.python.org) scripting language. You can download mgppp in


and/or see an example of its usage in


mgppp is released under the terms of GPL.

I know, from reading the archives of this list, that the problem of using
LaTeX math in mgp-files has been addressed before and several solutions
have been proposed (e.g. using various scripts, taking advantage of
%filter...%endfilter block,etc.). 

Some of the advantages of using mgppp are the following:
  * It introduces %latex...%endlatex block as an extension of MagicPoint
    syntax. Everything that is in between %latex...%endlatex is processed
    as LaTeX text. One can use mgpp as an transparent extension of mgp
    program with LaTeX support.
  * Processing LaTeX parts in mgp-files is optimized to minimum. If a
    particular LaTeX part is not modified, then cached preprocessing
    results are used. As a result, the performance of mgpp does not
    really differ from the mgp one.

Comments about mgppp are most welcome.

Best regards,