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[mgp-users 00746] Re: Magicpoint Emacs mode

* Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee> [2001-10-26 17:36]:
> So, my questions are: Is there Magicpoint mode for Emacs 20 available? Or
> how I can fix this in the current mode (I am not emacs lisp expert,btw)?

 Isn't there any address or name mentioned in that mode file?  Hardly to
believe...  Try to contact that person instead....

 On the other hand, isn't emacs21 available in the meantime?  I am a vim
user, so can't tell you there - and yes, there is a magic point syntax
file for vim, too.  Sugguestions about that to the maintianer of the
file....   oops, that would be me ;)

 So long,
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