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[mgp-users 00705] Re: %include directive


  in my /usr/shar/doc/mgp/SYNTAX, there is : 

$Id: SYNTAX,v 1.29 1999/08/18 03:18:23 itojun Exp $

placement restriction for directives:
                .mgprc          preamble        main pages
                ---             ---             ---
%vfcap          okay            x               okay
%tfdir          okay            x               okay
%tfont0         okay            x               okay
%default        x               okay            x
%tab            x               okay            x
%deffont        x               okay            x
%include        x               okay            okay
others          x               x               okay

  I did not modify this file w/ the hope that it would make 
mgp work with it ... So, I guess your SYNTAX file is the 
right one.



  At'e breve tamb'em.