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[mgp-users 00690] Re: Chinese support

Hi, Alex,

Thanks a lot for the response.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex Madon" <madon@cma-it.com>
To: <mgp-users@mew.org>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: [mgp-users 00689] RE: Chinese support

> > 
> > i am trying to prepare slides using MagicPoint. everything seems great
> > except for the slides showing speed. it takes 5,6 slides for my
> do you mean 5.6 seconds?

yes. 5-6 seconds.

> > chinese slides showing up. i think it's because of the truetype fonts
> > rendering, but not quite sure.
> what font are you using?
> Perhaps, if you you large fonts like cyberbit ttf font, it is highly
> possible.
> At what time do you see the delay: at the beginning of
> the presentation, or in the middle of the presentation?

i am using simsun.tff (i think), TTF font for Chinese chars. I only experienced delay for large fonts (size 7 and above).
i did some timing for the code (thanks GPL). delay is caused by the XQueryLoadFont() in x_setfonts function, and only 
happens for large fonts.

> > could someone please show me how to make it faster? Japanese, English
> > slides have no such problem. is it because of the fonts i am using? if
> > so, how to solve it?
> If that's the case, the solution would be to to load all 
> the fonts at the loading of the
> document (a delay at the beginning the of the presentation
> seems less annoying to me than a delay in the middle of the
> presentation?)
> This would require a patch of magicpoint.

could you please show me where i can get the patch?

also, i want to put words around images, that is, make 2-column-like stuff. words are on the left side,
and images are on the right side. How to do that?

thanks again,

  -- Zou Pengcheng