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[mgp-users 00689] RE: Chinese support


> Zou Pengcheng wrote:
> hi, there,
> i am trying to prepare slides using MagicPoint. everything seems great
> except for the slides showing speed. it takes 5,6 slides for my

do you mean 5.6 seconds?

> chinese slides showing up. i think it's because of the truetype fonts
> rendering, but not quite sure.

what font are you using?
Perhaps, if you you large fonts like cyberbit ttf font, it is highly
At what time do you see the delay: at the beginning of
the presentation, or in the middle of the presentation?

> could someone please show me how to make it faster? Japanese, English
> slides have no such problem. is it because of the fonts i am using? if
> so, how to solve it?

If that's the case, the solution would be to to load all 
the fonts at the loading of the
document (a delay at the beginning the of the presentation
seems less annoying to me than a delay in the middle of the
This would require a patch of magicpoint.


> i am using English version of RedHat7.1 with some very limited chinese
> truetype fonts and japanese fonts.
> Thanks in advance,

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