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[mgp-users 00696] Re: Chinese support

> also, i want to put words around images, that is, make 2-column-like stuff. words are on the left side,
> and images are on the right side. How to do that?

You may want to use %area directive in the newer snapshot
(not included in any released version yet).

from [mgp-users 00675]:
| The new snapshot for mgp contains a new directive: %area to specify the
| drawing area.  You can get the new snapshot from
|         ftp://sh.wide.ad.jp/WIDE/free-ware/mgp-snap/mgp-snap-20010813.tar.gz
| or consult
|         http://www.mew.org/mgp/anoncvs.html
| to use anoncvs.
| The description from SYNTAX:
| | %area <width> <height> [<xoffset> <yoffset>]
| |       Specify the drawing area within the window.  All parameters are
| |       translated as relative value of the window.  If offset is not
| |       specified, the drawing area will be put center.
| |       Note that all relative size specified in other directive after
| |       "%area" will be affected, i.e. it will be relative to the
| |       width/height of the drawing area instead of the window.
| And you can make a 2 coulmn page by using the directive:
|         %area 40 80 5 20
|                 left column
|         %area 40 80 50 20
|                 right column
| You can find this sample in sample/sample.mgp.

Atsushi Onoe