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[mgp-users 00684] EPS transparency

So I'm including eps files in my slides, since they scale very nicely.
However, I seem to always get a white background on them, when I
really want them overlayed onto my background image.  I understand
that mgp shells out to ghostscript in order to render postscript

Is there some place I can stick some magic flag to get mgp to make the
eps backgrounds transparent?  I find that pngs work fine, but I'd
rather not have to redo the hundreds of EPS files as PNGs (especially
since I'd have to play funny alpha games with the GIMP that I don't
really understand).

"The only thing is certain: Russian petty computer hooligans are very
slovenly, while FBI agents are very persistent in hunting them." --Pravda
	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)