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[mgp-users 00681] Font Problem


I am preparing a presentation with MagicPoint and I having the
following problem:

can't load font size 23 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:23:NULL>, glyph 0x00e1
can't load font size 23 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:23:NULL>, glyph 0x00e1

Those problems arose because of the accented letters "รก".

Can you help me? Thank you.

    At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma
Departamento de Matem\'atica
Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
e-mail: pedro@mat.uc.pt
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/
phone: 351+ 239 791 181