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[mgp-users 00658] Re: xsystem mpeg_play

Francesco Poli wrote:

> > %system "xanim -Zr +Zp1 +q -geometry %+23+33 filename.mpg"
> %xsystem ... ?

No, actually %system ...

> I tried with this options but keyboard strokes are catched by mgp...
> However without +Zp1, the animation is shown, but only some
> frame are visualized (4 or 5 of 20)
> I noticed that this behaviour is performed by xanim even
> outside mgp...
> *Why?*

If things do not work with standalone xanim, outside mgp, then
something's seriously wrong, either with xanim or your input file.
I don't know what to suggest here.

> I don't know why, but, as I said, keystrokes are ineffective
> in mgp environment (they are interpreted as mgp commands and
> don't seem to reach xanim).

You need to have the mouse pointer over the animation, otherwise
the keystrokes will be caught by mgp.  But I guess you have tried

Another thing that may be responsible for this is your window
manager.  My window manager is fvwm.  I have to tell it to keep
the xanim window on top of the mgp window, by giving it the command

Style "XAnim*"          NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, StaysOnTop

(this goes inside the ~/.fvwm2rc file.)  Other window managers will
have something equivalent.

Of course before doing any of these, you should make sure that 
xanim works properly as a standalone application, independently
of mgp.

Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>