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[mgp-users 00656] Re: xsystem mpeg_play

Francesco Poli wrote:

> I tried to execute mpeg_play with an %xsystem directive
> (yes, animations are very important for me...).
> With
> %xsystem "mpeg_play <filename.mpg>"
> I receive an error from mpeg_play:
> Un-recognized flag -geometry

Yes, I know.  mpeg_play uses the -position flag for geometry
specification while mgp expects (reasnonably enough) that the
application will honor the -geometry flag.  This is an uncivilized
behavior on mpeg_play's part.  Some time ago I obtained mpeg_play's
source and tried to change -position to -geometry, but for reasons
that I don't recall I wasn't able to make that work.

I suggest that you use xanim to play mpeg animations in mgp.
The syntax is:

%system "xanim -Zr +Zp1 +q -geometry %+23+33 filename.mpg"

The meanings of the optional flags are:

     -Zr    (don't show control buttons)
     +Zp1   (pause at frame 1, hit the spacebar to start/stop animation)
     +q     (don't show informative messages)

You can use the "," and "." keys (same as "<" and ">" keys) to step
through the animation one frame at the time.  See xanim's man page
for more details.

Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>