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[mgp-users 00659] File format

Apologies if this is an old request, or flamebait, or in the wrong
forum.  This was the only English-language mailing list I could find,
and there don't seem to be any archives.  If this message is supposed
to go sompleace else, I'd be happy to move it there.

I'm writing this mail because I use MGP a lot at work.  I can make
some great presentations with it, and it's served me well.

The problem is that my boss wants my presentations to be editable by
folks who rely on WYSIWYG editors to do their work, and magicpoint
just isn't suited to that.

So I was looking at the mgp code, and noted that the parser seems to
do a lot of work that could be left to something like XML.  There are
already Docbook stylesheets for slides, and they could be extended to
do some of the things that MGP does (<para cutin="left">, etc).  An
XML data file would make the creation of a WYSIWYG MGP much easier,
even if it wasn't *true* WYSIWYG.

The rendering and  presentation of mgp is very nice.  I've been using
the Sun truetype fonts that were released under the GPL with
openoffice, and they look very nice and smooth.  I just wonder if it
wouldn't be relatively easy to flesh out the input format.

I've got some experience with libxml, and little to no experience with
the mgp source code.  Does anyone here see this as a worthwhile

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	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)