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(mgp-users 00513) Re: massive changes....

Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:

> For example, when we have table-like structured XML, is there any good ways
> to display this XML without modifying the current drawing functions of mgp?

In XML *you* define your tags.
Of course you can create a tag in your MGP syntax you could call
<table> that will then call special table functions that don not exist at the
But if you don't *want* provide functions that process tables, you just don't
a table syntax.

Now, as told Sam Clegg, there exists libraries like the libxml.
I don't know exately the degree of freedom  you have using this library for
defining your
own syntax. I have to have a closer look at the doc. Any clue Sam?

But strictly speaking, XML allows you to define any tags.
You could define a tag called <movie> to process movies, etc...


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