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(mgp-users 00514) Re: massive changes....

From: Alex Madon <amadon@megalinux.com>
Subject: (mgp-users 00513) Re: massive changes....
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:57:16 +0900
Message-ID: <>

>> In XML *you* define your tags.
>> Of course you can create a tag in your MGP syntax you could call
>> <table> that will then call special table functions that don not exist at the
>> moment.
>> But if you don't *want* provide functions that process tables, you just don't
>> create
>> a table syntax.

Well, I agree. what I'd like to say is...

When we have an XML file like this:

            <author> author A </author>
            <title> title A </title>
            <price> $10 </price>		
            <author> author B </author>
            <title> title B </title>
            <price> $20 </price>		
if you want to display this XML like: 

      author A
        title A

      author B
        title B

this could be easy for mgp. but if you want to display it like:

     author        title        price
    author A      title A        10  
    author B      title B        20                

this will require lots of work. 

Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.