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[mgp-users 1505] Problem with mgp2ps -c

Hi Yoshifumi,

I'm trying to convert a presentation (with lots of equations that I
typeset with latex and %filter) to postscript.   The equations come out
correctly when I don't specify the -c flag to mgp2ps, but don't show up
when I do.  I use a black background, but specify fore "white" before
displaying the image.  Here's an example:

%fore "white"
%filter "latex2eps.sh CSC_U"
  \beta \tilde u_{c,c;{eff}}(k) &=& \beta \tilde
  u_{c,c}(k)-\frac{\rho_pk^2\tilde c^2_{p,c}(k)}{k^2+\kappa^2},
%center, fore "white", image "CSC_U.eps" 256 250 250 1
(I've tried playing with the number of colors, but that doesn't seem to

Another problem seems to be the implementation of newimage under mgp2ps.
First, simple black and white graphics don't appear (I suspect that this
is the same problem as above).  Second, the -rotate option seems to be

Finally,  has any progress been made on supressing respawning %system
commands (e.g., movies) when a page is redrawn?

All and all, it's still a great program.

