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[mgp-users 1498] Re: MagicPoint patch

Hello Yoshifumi

> At first, thanks for using magicpoint. It's great honor to me.
> I've checked the URL. From my point of view, you don't have to
> create special directive for this. For example, by using the
> following commands,I believe you can do similar things.>
> (In this example, the second line of your slide will be displayed
> somewhere around center of the slide)
> %default 1 area 90 90, leftfill, size 2, fore "white", back "black",
font "thick"
> %default 2 size 7, vgap 10, area 100 100 0 30, center
> %default 3 size 2, left, area 100 100 0 7, bar "gray70", vgap 10
> %default 4 size 5, fore "white", vgap 30, prefix " ", font "standard"

I think you may have not seen my problem: it is not a problem
with the text content on the slides during a presenatation.

I have tried your default commands but my problem still exists.

The first line of text on each of my slides is the string:

"School of Engineering and Computer Science"

which is there to provide part of the "banner" across the top
along with the two images.

That string is not really part of the slide content.

However, that string becomes the "page title" as returned by the
page_title() procedure in the source code.

That title is then used in the navigation line in a normal display
on an X Window System (after Shift G) and for the title of the slides
in the HTML version.

Since my original email direct to you and your reply here, I have
placed my original version of the slides (without the %title) at
the URL as kmb1.mgp. (URL reproduced here for the mgp-users list)


If you view that file in MagicPoint and turn on the navigation line
with Shift-G, you'll see that all the strings are the same.

If you look at an HTML rendering, you'll see that all the three
slides have the title "School of Engineering and Computer Science"
and not the real title.

If you use my patch, then this does not happen.

Your "%default" commands above do not seem to alter that behaviour ?

But maybe I am missing something in my usage of MagicPoint ?

> BTW, I've added your e-mail address to the mgp-users list. If
> you don't like it, please say so. I'll remove it soon. If it's
> OK, please use it anytime you have suggestions or questions.

That's great. Many thanks for that.

I have sent my reply to the list rather than direct to you now
and copied you in, in case I am still not subscribed.


Kevin M. Buckley                                  Room:  CO327
School of Engineering and                         Phone: +64 4 463 5971
 Computer Science
Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand