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[mgp-users 01412] Feature Request/Problem: %system

Hi Yoshifumi

I recently used mgp in a presentation and got into a bit of trouble.
My presentaion had one page that tried to show a mp3 movie.  I do this
as follows:

%system "./demo"

where demo is a shell script that runs the movie in full-screen mode.
This workes, but when the movie is finished and I quit out of the mp3
player, the page reloads and the movie starts again.

I added the following after the 1st system call

%system "mv ./demo ./demo.bak"

which works, but is tricky if I want to go back a slide or accidently
skip over the movie slide before the movie plays.  

You mentioned this problem in the SYNTAX documention.

What I'd like is some way to be able to have a button to start the
script, maybe a clickable image of my choice/size, as part of the
%system directive.  The system call would trigger only after the
botton was pressed.

As usual, thanks in advance.
