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[mgp-users 01411] Re: postscript and fonts

> I see. 
> The modification I made converts Verdana fonts into Times fonts in PS.

Ah... I see.  And, that worked fabulously.

(That is clearly one approach I could take if I cannot get the Verdana
fonts in the PS -- which is my preference.)

>       { CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana", "Verdana" },
>       { CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Bold",      "Verdana-Bold" },
>       { CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Courier",         "Courier" },
>       { CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Italic",    "Verdana-Italic" },
>       { CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Bold Italic",       "Verdana-BoldItalic" },
> might work well.

Now when I use this the bold and italics fonts work fine... but, the
normal Verdana font does not.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry
here. :-)

I'll mess with it some more.  You'd think that I could somehow piece
this together given that I have now gotten all the Verdana fonts in the
PS at some point.



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