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[mgp-users 01409] Re: postscript and fonts

>  > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier-medium-o",	"Courier-Oblique" },
>  > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier-bold-r",	"Courier-Bold" },
>  > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier-bold-i",	"Courier-BoldOblique" },
>  > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana",	"Times" },
>  > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Bold",	"Times-Bold" },
>  > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Courier",		"Courier" },
>  > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Italic",	"Times-Italic" },
>  > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Bold Italic",	"Time-BoldItalic" },
>  > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "times*",		"Times" },
>  > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "helvetica*",	"Helvetica" },
>  > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier*",		"Courier" },
>  > 
>  > I just tried this a couple of days ago.  It didn't work at all.  But,
>  > then I swapped it around to:
> Hmm, very strange.
> Could you give me how it didn't work at all?
> You meant your ps file was not readable?

Sorry, I was not clear.  "Didn't work at all" means that I got no
Verdana fonts in the PS.  The bold and italics and all worked in
whatever font it was --- it's just that the font still wasn't Verdana.

>  >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times", "Verdana" },
>  >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times-Bold", "Verdana:style=Bold" },
>  >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Courier",		"Courier" },
>  >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times-Italic", "Verdana:style=Italic" },
>  >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times-BoldItalic", "Verdana:style=Bold Italic" },
>  > 
>  > which works a little better.  I get the standard font ("Verdana") but
>  > none of the bold/italics variants of the font when generating PS (they
>  > all work on the screen).
>  > Any further thoughts?
> I guess the reason you got the standard font is that mgp2ps simply 
> picked up the default font "Helvetica" due to the swapping.

I don't follow.  After swapping (i.e., my version above), most of the
text on my slides is in the "Verdana" font.  But, switching to an
italics or bold version of Verdana didn't work (that is, it continued to
use the "Verdana" font).




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