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[mgp-users 01408] Re: postscript and fonts


From: Mark Allman <mallman@icir.org>
Subject: [mgp-users 01407] Re: postscript and fonts 
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 09:10:02 -0500
Message-ID: <>

 > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier-medium-o",	"Courier-Oblique" },
 > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier-bold-r",	"Courier-Bold" },
 > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier-bold-i",	"Courier-BoldOblique" },
 > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana",	"Times" },
 > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Bold",	"Times-Bold" },
 > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Courier",		"Courier" },
 > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Italic",	"Times-Italic" },
 > > + 	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Verdana:style=Bold Italic",	"Time-BoldItalic" },
 > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "times*",		"Times" },
 > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "helvetica*",	"Helvetica" },
 > >   	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "courier*",		"Courier" },
 > I just tried this a couple of days ago.  It didn't work at all.  But,
 > then I swapped it around to:

Hmm, very strange.
Could you give me how it didn't work at all?
You meant your ps file was not readable?

 >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times", "Verdana" },
 >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times-Bold", "Verdana:style=Bold" },
 >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Courier",		"Courier" },
 >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times-Italic", "Verdana:style=Italic" },
 >  	{ CTL_XFONT2, ASCII, "Times-BoldItalic", "Verdana:style=Bold Italic" },
 > which works a little better.  I get the standard font ("Verdana") but
 > none of the bold/italics variants of the font when generating PS (they
 > all work on the screen).
 > Any further thoughts?

I guess the reason you got the standard font is that mgp2ps simply 
picked up the default font "Helvetica" due to the swapping.

Yoshifumi Nishida