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[mgp-users 01404] Re: mplayer + magicpoint

If you don't want to use a window manager because of window decorations,
using recent window managers like GNOME, KDE, WindowMaker (which support EWMH) 
and running mgp with -g and pressing "w" key would be a less tricky solution.

Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Ethan <telmnstr@757.org>
Subject: [mgp-users 01403] mplayer + magicpoint
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 15:09:03 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <>

 > Hello..
 > I found that by using the -g option while a window manager is running
 > mplayer will indeed prompt to overlay the video (tvwm makes you click to
 > place the window).
 > However, without the window manager, it still does not seem to place the
 > window as desired.
 > So I created a wierd work around:
 > Step 1 - a script that constantly monitors for a dropfile. When the
 > dropfile is seen, it reads the contents of the drop file and passes them
 > as a command line argument to mplayer. This script sets the DISPLAY
 > environment varible, and removes the dropfile after playback.
 > Step 2 - I tried using %system to do echo blabla > /tmp/bla however it
 > just seems to echo the entire line back to stdout. I couldn't seem to
 > escape the "'s. I tried the 1>&2 and vice versa as a friend suggested, but
 > as expected still no go. So I created a 2nd shell script that takes the
 > arguments passed and creates the drop file used by the script mentioned in
 > step 1.
 > Not terribly pretty, but it works!!
 > I'm talking to a local friend to see if he would be interested in coding
 > in the functionality for a %sleep command, so presentations can be
 > scripted. If he is willing then these changes will be donated back to the
 > project. If he is unwilling or doesn't have time, perhaps I might try to
 > hack on it a bit. I'm not very good at C coding.
 > I suspect the mplayer issue has something to do with child processes.
 > Perhaps X gives the parent higher screen priority, I'm not sure.
 > I still like magicpoint over other programs, and forsee myself using it
 > for it's indended use as a presentation tool in the future :-)
 > Much thanks to all that have contributed!