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[mgp-users 01399] Re: Auto-advancement and repeat?

> I've done this patch, the only problem is that there is a significant
> memory leak when it's left running for a long time. I've not had the time
> to investigate the leak so I've just used a work around by restarting the
> process every night at 2am.

Okay! Will check it out. I'd imagine every time it loops it's loading
the file again, which consumes more memory?

a '%auto 10' feature would be nice. I will look at the code when I get a
chance and see how difficult it would be.

Thanks for sharing your patch!

> slide. At the end it will check to see if the source file has been updated
> and reload it if necessary (this is where the memory leak is btw).

I notice that if I had magicpoint up on my test machine, and I edit the
text in the actual mgp file, it instantly changes! This doesn't carry thru
for say, the background image... but it polls ever 2 seconds or so and
seems to check if the file has changed.

I'm almost tempted to see if it would be possible to use this to my