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[mgp-users 01397] Auto-advancement and repeat?

Hello everyone.

 I'm looking at possible solutions for a project. Mainly right now I'm
looking at RealPlayer's SMIL 2.0 capabilities versus MagicPoint. I feel
more confident in the stability and speed of MagicPoint over realplayer.

 One issue... I need to be able to embed timing commands to automatically
step thru the presentation. I also need to repeat.

 Stepping thru: I tried to use the -T command to test to see if that
writes some sort of cue file for automating playback, but didn't seem to
get output.

 Obviously a script could be used to repeat the presentation at the end by
killing and restarting the program, but I'd like to come up with something

 I'm thinking it should be fairly trivial to hack in the repeat
functionality. I noticed the -d demo mode that seems to run thru the
presentation automatically. That would be perfect, if there is some what
to adjust timing per slide? For instance, I'd like to have slides that
have local music listings at one speed, then upon hitting a slide that
calls mplayer pause long enough to run out the video clip.


                               // Ethan O'Toole
                               // http://users.757.org/~ethan