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[mgp-users 01390] Re: magicpoint generates duplicate HTML pages

Hi Saad,

Hmm, That's strange..
Could you send your slide to me? I will take a look.

Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Saad Kadhi <saad@docisland.org>
Subject: [mgp-users 01389] magicpoint generates duplicate HTML pages
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 07:32:12 +0100
Message-ID: <>

 > hi there,
 > I'm using magicpoint 1.11a on FreeBSD 5-stable, installed from the ports
 > collection. when I ask magicpoint to transform one of my presentations
 > to HTML, it generates duplicate pages. the command I'm using is:
 >   $ mgp -x xft -D somedir -E png presentation.mgp
 > when I noticed this, I retried several times but the duplicate pages are
 > different from run to run. it's not adding pages but replacing say page
 > 25 content with the content from page 24. on the next run, it may
 > duplicate page 5, 35, and 43. and so on. I really can't make sense of
 > it. 
 > I've also with different options:
 > - running with superior scheduling priority thru "nice"
 > - changing back to the default jpeg image format
 > - ...etc.
 > has anyone encountered this behavior before? any hints are welcome.
 > TIA
 > -- 
 > Saad Kadhi
 > "He who relieves the poor makes Ahura king"