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[mgp-users 01389] magicpoint generates duplicate HTML pages

hi there,

I'm using magicpoint 1.11a on FreeBSD 5-stable, installed from the ports
collection. when I ask magicpoint to transform one of my presentations
to HTML, it generates duplicate pages. the command I'm using is:

  $ mgp -x xft -D somedir -E png presentation.mgp

when I noticed this, I retried several times but the duplicate pages are
different from run to run. it's not adding pages but replacing say page
25 content with the content from page 24. on the next run, it may
duplicate page 5, 35, and 43. and so on. I really can't make sense of

I've also with different options:
- running with superior scheduling priority thru "nice"
- changing back to the default jpeg image format
- ...etc.

has anyone encountered this behavior before? any hints are welcome.
Saad Kadhi
"He who relieves the poor makes Ahura king"