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[mgp-users 01372] some problems with %area .. bug or feature ?


I was trying to put together a slide with 2 pictures and some text below.
To properly position things on the page I tried to use the %area directive.
But something strange happens with font size when I do so. See for yourself


some fonts are miniaturized. The actual code for this slide is attached below.
How can I get all fonts to the proper size ? And why is this happening ?

Thanks very much in advance,
  Marc Baaden

%include "default.mgp"

OmpT molecular dynamics

%area 50 20 0 80
	Ompt protein
	DMPC bilayer
	Na+ / Cl- ions
%area 50 50 10 20
%newimage -xysize 768 718 -yscrzoom 100 "img/md_initial.png"
Initial (0ns)
%area 30 50 55 20
%newimage -xysize 768 638 -yscrzoom 100 "img/md_final.png"
Final (10 ns)
 Dr. Marc Baaden  - Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris
 mailto:baaden@smplinux.de      -      http://www.marc-baaden.de
 FAX: +33 15841 5026  -  Tel: +33 15841 5176  ou  +33 609 843217