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[mgp-users 01367] Re: Some tips for improved graphical appearance ?

On 2004.11.20 11:09 Marc Baaden wrote:
>I have noticed some inconsistencies for building the latest mgp
>versions, in particular on Mac OSX. In the images subdirectory,
>/sw/include should be added to the include directories searched by
>configure. This also causes problems for getting other libraries
>detected and working (eg mng support), because the /sw/lib and
>/sw/include directories are not included in the configure script.
>There is also a SYS_LIBRARIES instruction "-Wl,-rpath,/sw/lib"
>generated, which doesn't compile (but manually removing it from the
>Makefile works).

I noticed similar problems when building on Mac OSX for the first time.
I've modified the configure script to add $prefix/include and $prefix/lib
to the searched paths so that I can simply run configure with --prefix=/sw.
It isn't quite complete as some of the checks in configure are hardcoded.
I can probably clean it up a little and post a patch if there is interest.

Also, for those on Macs (and probably any X server with Xinerama support)
with TV output and/or multiple displays I have some changes that allow mgp
to find the size of the displays and select them.  Really nice to be able
to hook the Powerbook to the TV and display presentations without any hassles
of mirroring displays or trying to work around the dock sitting on top of
the presentation window.
Lynn Kerby <mailto:lfk@kerbit.net>